The Grosvenor Building is an integral part of the Manchester Metropolitan University campus.  The Grade II listed Gothic style building dates back to 1880 and is steel framed with sandstone ashlar construction and red brick and terracotta dressings.  Quadriga have completed various works to this building, beginning with a number of historic surveys into the fabric of the building before opening up works, basement works, structural works and façade restoration.

Works have included:

  • Indent repairs to sandstone ashlar
  • Insitu restoration and re-dressing of sandstone
  • Raking out and repointing of stonework
  • Redress of stonework to chimney stacks
  • Doff cleaning to masonry
  • Installation of new steel
  • Removal of parquet flooring to enable structural work with each flooring block carefully replaced.
  • Structural repair to gables before reinstatement and repair of any bricks affected by this repair
  • Removal, repair and replacement of defective terracotta blocks to window surround. Considerable care was taken to limit any damage occurring from its brittle nature and the way in which the units were bonded.  Mortar was carefully matched to avoid a patchy appearance occurring when repointing or repairing minor areas of the terracotta.
  • Installation of cathodic protection system designed by CPT.
  • Timber repair to windows. Damaged or rotten sections were carefully cut out before repair with the new timber was treated to match the existing.
  • Repointing and cutting out defective areas of brickwork
  • Refixing slipped slates to roof
  • Restoration of metal window fixing

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